Welcome to the PCSO Virtual Learning Center
We know that professionals like you need options and flexibility when it comes to your learning needs. We pride ourselves on providing high-quality learning opportunities to enhance your professional development. Here you can earn continuing education credit through recordings of past webinars and presentations from PCSO meetings and view upcoming educational events and courses.
Upcoming Meetings
a joint meeting of the PCSO & RMSO
October 16 – 18, 2025
Hilton Hawaiian Village
Honolulu, HI
a joint meeting of the PCSO & RMSO
October 1 – 4, 2026
Monterey Conference Center
Monterey, CA
a joint meeting of the PCSO & RMSO
October 21 – 24, 2027
Grand Hyatt Deer Valley
Deer Valley, UT
a joint meeting of the PCSO & RMSO
October 5 – 8, 2028
Disneyland Hotel
Anaheim, CA
Western Orthodontic Conference (WOCON)

Call for Speakers
The PCSO is always looking for speakers to fill slots for topics such as scientific, clinical, management, and practice systems. Lectures must be educational, fair, and evidence-based in nature. Complete the Call for Speakers Interest Form if you are interested in speaking at a future PCSO meeting.
Ortho Idol
CALLING ALL ORTHODONTISTS AND TEAM MEMBERS!! We will feature up-and-coming speakers during the 2025 Western Orthodontic Conference (WOCON) Annual Session with a 20-minute lecture slot to talk about something amazing. This is a unique opportunity for people in orthodontics to present their clinical tips and tricks, scientific research, practice management, and business administration ideas to the entire PCSO. The only over-arching criteria for the topic is that it has to be of interest to orthodontists. Our goal is to discover new speakers and ideas. Speakers chosen will receive complimentary registration for the WOCON meeting in Honolulu, HI, October 16-18, 2025.
Feel free to share this information with other orthodontists, specialists, team members, and speakers that may be outside of the PCSO region but have something great to share. The deadline for speakers is March 1, 2025.