Temporary anchorage devices (TADs) offer a practical way to provide anchorage for various types of tooth movement. To aid in the proper placement of TADs and to facilitate orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning, treatment simulation, and assessment of skeletal and dental changes, cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) is an invaluable tool. In this presentation, TADs and novel appliances are used to treat challenging cases to control vertical and sagittal dimensions. In this lecture, various challenging cases will be presented where TADs were used, and treatment outcomes will be discussed using pre- and post-treatment records including CBCT.

  1. Discuss clinical applications and biomechanical considerations of TADs.
    2. Describe vertical and sagittal correction with TADs.
    3. Evaluate pre-treatment and post-treatment superimposed CBCT images after TADs have been applied.

Dr. Jae Hyun Park is the professor and chair of the Postgraduate Orthodontic Program at the Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health. He is a diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics (ABO), where he serves as an examiner and director of their Board, representing the PCSO. He will be the ABO president in 2024. Dr. Park has received several awards for scientific and clinical excellence, including the Charley Schultz Award (1st Place in the Scientific Category of the Orthodontic Resident Scholars Program) and the Joseph E. Johnson Award (1st Place in the Table Clinic Competition) from the AAO. He was recently appointed deputy editor of the AJO-DO and the new clinical journal, AJO-DO Clinical Companion. Since 2008, while working as a full-time faculty member, he has published more than 320 scientific and clinical articles in peer-reviewed orthodontic and dental journals. Recently, one of his Case of the Month articles in the AJO-DO was selected to receive the 2021 CDABO Case Report of the Year Award during the AAO Annual Session. He lectures nationally and internationally. Dr. Park is editor-in-chief emeritus of the PCSO Bulletin. Recently, he received the 2021 Award of Merit from the PCSO.