by Dr. John Griffiths PCSO Director to the AAOPAC Board Las Vegas, NV
Presidential election years in particular draw our attention to the political process in our communities and states and on the national level. However, the work of advocating for issues important to our orthodontic specialty are ongoing even when we may not be aware of it. In surveys of the membership of the PCSO and of the AAO, advocating for our specialty is reported to be one of the most important functions of organized orthodontics. The PCSO and the AAO lead in this regard. No other orthodontic organization advocates on our behalf as orthodontic residents and as practicing orthodontists. Sadly, however, when it comes to supporting the advocacy efforts of the AAO that we desire so much, only a very small percentage of members actually show their support by donating to the AAOPAC. Through the National Advocacy Network (NAN), a Component Advocacy Liaison or an AAOPAC Captain have been assigned in many component states or provinces in the PCSO to promote our advocacy efforts.
Hats off to these individuals who have accepted the call to assist in increasing member involvement in advocacy and in encouraging support in each state or province on issues important to our specialty. These individuals not only stay on the alert for issues and legislation that could adversely affect our profession, but state captains are also active in asking for donations to the AAOPAC. Giving to the AAOPAC does make a difference. For example, a number of senators and members of Congress from states in the PCSO are cosponsors of legislation that can directly help our patients and us as members of the PCSO and AAO. Some examples are the RAISE Act that seeks to increase the amount families can put aside in a flexible spending account and allow carryover and accrual of these funds for larger healthcare expenses; the Ensuring Lasting Smiles Act (ELSA), that requires insurance companies to cover treatment of congenital conditions such as cleft lip and palate; and student loan debt legislative that would eliminate interest accrual during residency and allow refinancing of loans with preferred terms and interest rates.
Support of the AAOPAC helps drive the advocacy efforts of the AAO and allows us to have standing with members of the US Senate and Congress who are in a position to create and support legislation that directly benefits our patients and our members. How can you help, you ask? Here are three specific ways.
First, make a donation to the AAOPAC by using the QR code found below. This link will take you directly to a site where you can donate. It could not be easier. ◾ Second, volunteer to serve as a CAL or AAOPAC captain in your state. ◾ Third, identify and support candidates in your community, state, or province, and on the national level who support issues important to the health and well-being of our patients and to us as orthodontists.
We are fortunate to be members of a specialty with such a long history and legacy of improving the lives of our patients and of the oral health of the people in the communities that we serve. It was wonderful to see so many of you at the 2024 Western Orthodontic Conference in Palm Springs. Thank you for your support.